Who We Are
The Campus House of Prayer is a mission and ministry for 24/7 prayer, worship and united gospel movements, located on the University of Tennessee campus since Fall 2009.
By convening and connecting students, campus ministries, local churches, businesses and Kingdom-minded individuals to collaborate in prayer and mission, we strengthen the influence and impact of the Body of Christ on campus and across our city.
Ultimately, we want to see the University of Tennessee and Greater Knoxville saturated with the good news of Jesus and culture transformed.
We are a safe place for people from various denominations and backgrounds to convene. Ministry leaders, affinity groups, and more come together here.
We provide space for leaders across the city and students across campus to connect. Our efforts are designed to bridge the gap between groups to grow the Kingdom.
We align Kingdom resources to address challenges and opportunities across Knoxville.

The Cry for Unity
We firmly believe that if Christ-followers can come together in humility and commit to know “Christ and Him crucified," then God will be glorified through our unity, and ministry on our campus will be amplified. This is not to say that we must agree on every matter, nor is unity itself our pursuit. For the sake of the gospel of peace, it is important that our campus and city see unity expressed through our mutual love and humility and understand that kind of "oneness" is consistent with what Jesus prayed on our behalf:
The glory that you have given me I have given to them that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.
John 17:22-23 ESV
“We can accomplish more together than we can apart.”
Gary & RHONDA Peacock | CO-DirectorS

Our History
In the late-1990s groups of university students from campuses across the United States began meeting regularly to worship and pray for spiritual awakening and renewal at their respective colleges and universities.
Encouraged and resourced by Christian evangelical ministries across the country, these worship and prayer gatherings quickly became a national movement that spread to the University of Tennessee. In 2009, the Campus House of Prayer at UT opened its doors for 24/7 united prayer, worship and collaborative missional outreach.
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