
Collegiate Day of Prayer - February 27, 2025

Since 1823, the last Thursday of February is set aside annually as the Collegiate Day of Prayer.

Now more than ever, we need you to pray with us for UT and for college campuses across America and the world. 

Biblically and historically, united prayer has always been the means of grace to bridge the gap between a great need and a great awakening. Imagine what could happen if two of you pray? or twenty? or two hundred? or two million? Join with thousands of intercessors globally - adopt one or more campuses and commit to pray for them. You can click on this link to the Collegiate Day of Prayer website, adopt campuses, and commit to pray:

If you live in or near Knoxville,  you also have these options.

(1) Host or participate in a prayer vigil at the CHOP during our 24-hour prayer watch. To see what time slots still need to be filled at the CHOP, or what events are already scheduled that you can join, click the link below. then scroll down to see the Calendar) We’ll provide you with everything you need for your prayer slot (prayer guides, parking instructions, where to park, etc)

(2) Sign up to help out with the CDOP Prayer Tent at UT's Pedestrian Walkway Feb 24th - Feb 27th between 10 am and 1 pm (weather permitting). We’ll send you all the info you need about where to park, what to do, etc. You will LOVE getting to pray with so many students, faculty, employees and staff!