Praying Together: 

A Seven Day Journey Hearing God’s Voice 

by Gary & Rhonda Peacock 

Heal our inner sight, O God, 

That we may know the difference between good and evil. 

Open our eyes 

That we may see what is true and what is false. 

Restore us to wisdom 

That we may be well in our souls. 

Restore us to wisdom 

That we and our world may be well. 

- J. Philip Newell, Celtic Treasure (114) 


Several years ago, a morning devotional presented at a conference of global servant-leaders began with words jotted down the previous day in prayer: “This is the season of the ear – not just a time to listen, but a time to hear.” 

Hearing God is a characteristic of being His sons and daughters; it is essential if we are to extend His Kingdom in the earth. Scripture iterates that God speaks to His people, delights in doing so, and that Christ-followers are fully capable of both hearing and obeying His voice. 

Your seven-day journey through this guide will Biblically underscore ways God speaks to His people today, and the Divine wisdom and understanding imparted to us when we attentively listen and hear His voice together. The Apostle Paul says there are “…so many voices in the world, and none of them is without significance.” (1 Cor 14:10 MEV). But there is one Voice – the voice of the Shepherd - that is both preeminent and life-giving. “It is the Spirit that gives life,” Jesus told his disciples in John 6:63. “The flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit and they are life.” (NKJV) 

We encourage you to come along with an open heart, a humble spirit and a steadfast trust in God’s Word. 

Don’t forget to enjoy the adventure! He has much to say to us. Will you listen, and do you have ears to hear? 

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says…” – Rev 2:7, 11