Leader's Connect

Are you a ministry leader needing inspiration and encouragement? Looking for a way to increase your ministry's impact?

Every Wednesday at 10 am collegiate ministry leaders from UT and across the city gather at the CHOP for an extraordinary hour of prayer, collaboration, inspiration and encouragement. Leader's Connect is "transformation moving at the speed of relationship." 

Prayer binds us together with greater love for Christ, our mission field, one another and those we serve.

Collaboration lets us think and act strategically as one in order to maximize resources and amplify the gospel of Christ and His Kingdom throughout our college campus.

Inspiration is the fuel we need from one another to fulfill our unique calling and purpose.

Encouragement helps us "bear one another's burden, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2)

Join us any Wednesday morning during the semester as we grow in relationship, humility and service to Christ, one another, our ministries and the collegiate communities we serve.

For more info or to receive a weekly reminder about Leader's Connect, email us at gary@knoxchop.org or call/text Gary Peacock at 865-250-4313.